Detroit -- Parish Reports V

Title: Detroit -- Parish Reports V

Box#: 56

Collection: Parish Reports: Detroit V

Series: Par -- Rep -- Det -- V

Dates: -

Place of Origin: Southfield, MI

Language: English

Location: New York, NY

Extent: 1 p.

Summary: Second Proposal from St. John's Armenian Church of Greater Detroit during the 1996 General Assembly

Copy and Version Identification Note: 1

Biographical or Historical Data: Second Proposal from St. John's Armenian Church of Greater Detroit during the 1996 General Assembly regarding the wording to amend the Diocesan By -- Laws Paragraph 6 regarding the fact that every member of the Parish over the age of 18 shall pay Annual Church Due & that the amount of the annual due can only be increased, but that every member who has attained Honorary Church Membership Status be exempt from paying the Annual Church Dues

Restrictions to Access: Access Copy is available to the General Public. Unrestricted

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