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Collection Summary

Title: Diocesan Museum: Project

Extent: 7 yellow folders, 1 blue folder.

Provenance: The Diocesan Museum: Project Collection is a collection of financial statements, pamphlets, floor plans, booklets, meeting reports, calendars, calendar pages, flyers, and correspondence that has been with the church since its inception.

Location: Archives Room, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America; Shelf 1B

Access And Restrictions: Access copy available to the general public. Unrestricted.

Location: Archives Room, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America; Shelf 1B

Description Control: This collection was created by Adam Foldes and processed by Alma Sakic on October 11th 2018.

Physical Description Notes: Most of the documents are in decent condition. Some pages are yellowing and are bent or torn at the edges. Some of the text is fading. There are some folders which contain envelopes that are marked with pencil. Some pages have notes attached to them which are handwritten. The floor plans are marked in pencil and blue marker. Some pages are stapled or paper-clipped together.

Historical Note: The Diocesan Museum: Project Collection is a collection of financial statements, pamphlets, booklets, meeting reports, and correspondence that has been with the church since its inception.

Preferred Citation: Diocesan Museum: Project

EAD Identifier:

Dates: 1973 - 1983


Container Title File Date
Scope and Content
The Diocesan Museum: Project Collection is a collection of financial statements, pamphlets, booklets, meeting reports, and correspondence that has been with the church since its inception.

The collection is arranged in 0 series: